The improvement in attendance in some schools has featured in the Ofsted reports.
About SEWS
Due to recommendations and our robust work ethic, SEWS is fast becoming an established and expanding Education Welfare Provider.
Our objective is to maintain and or improve school attendance, reduce persistent absenteeism, lateness, truancy and parentally condoned absence, whilst always ensuring the welfare of the child is paramount.
At SEWS our philosophy is simple; deliver a professional advocacy that aims to build synergy between schools, pupils and their families, professionals and services, whilst tackling the root cause of poor attendance. Our flexible thresholds allow us to start early intervention that aim to benefit young people and their families and the schools at which they attend.
Not all children and families are the same; our holistic approach and adaptable way of working, further strengthens our commitment to contributing to the futures of children and young people.
Our Officers are innovative, personable and work dynamically to cater to the needs of both the educational setting and families. Education Welfare Provider team have sound experience working in partnership with maintained schools and academies, local authorities, Children’s Services, health professionals and the Police.
Please see our client testimonials and hear what they have to say.
To understand the impact of our work read case studies.
“We have been using Synergy Education Welfare Services for a number of years and we continue to be impressed with its approach to improving school attendance and safeguarding children and their families. SEWS is always ‘on-call’ to answer questions and works hard to manage a varied case load, building key relationships with families and school staff. The school’s EWO is an important point of contact with families and they ensure all safeguarding concerns are followed up effectively and communicated to the school.“
“SEWS has helped to support the school in actively increasing our attendance. Persistent Absenteeism has also decreased since SEWS have been working with the school. The tailored approach has enabled targeted intervention to engage parents and families. The broad knowledge of the attendance officer has helped the school to keep on track with its aim to improve attendance. The advice available also allows the school to respond quickly to any drop-in pupils attendance. We would recommend the service for other schools.“
“My son was refusing to attend school as he said he didn’t need the education to become a professional boxer. I really appreciated that the EWO took the time out on a few occasions to visit my home to speak with me and my son. She explained to him why education is beneficial if he needed a plan B and didn’t make it as a professional boxer. The visits made a big difference to his attitude. He started to take his education seriously and began to go to school daily.“