Our threshold for referrals is set above the persistent absence category for early intervention.
Exams: Grading system could become ‘Wild West’, MPs warn
Plans for teachers to decide GCSE and A-level grades following the cancellation of this year's exams risk being inconsistent and penalising poorer pupils, MPs have warned. Members of the Education Committee have written to Secretary of State Gavin Williamson, warning
Covid: Gavin Williamson ‘looking at’ longer school day and shorter holidays
Longer school days and shorter holidays are among the measures the government is considering to help pupils in England catch up on lost learning, the education secretary has said. Gavin Williamson told the BBC ministers were looking at "how
First day back at school has ‘gone well’, say heads
The first day back at school for millions of children in England has "gone well", say head teachers. They are reporting high levels of take-up of Covid tests and compliance with new rules on wearing masks in secondary school
Covid: What are the new rules for schools?
Children in England are now returning to school, after months of enforced home-schooling. However, there will be some major changes to the normal school experience. How will testing work in schools? Students in England will be tested for Covid-19
Schools and colleges to reopen in full in September
Press Release By www.gov.uk Schools and colleges to reopen in full in September Current restrictions on group sizes will be lifted to allow schools, colleges and nurseries to fully reopen to all children and young people, as Covid-19 infection rates
Coronavirus: School safety plans will keep groups apart
Coronavirus: School safety plans will keep groups apart The government has published its safety plans for England's return to school in September - built on the principle of keeping classes or whole year groups apart in separate "bubbles". Schools will